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Eiffel compilers

GNU Eiffel SmallEiffel: The GNU Eiffel Compiler!

Object Tools (vendor of Visual Eiffel
and the Display Machine.

ISE (vendor of ISE Eiffel)

Halstenbach (vendor of iss-base)

Eiffel pages

Eiffel Forum The Eiffel Forum (non-profit

www.elj.com Eiffel Liberty (the latest news
from the Eiffel community are
here) It also hosts a
getting-started page for Eiffel.

www.eiffel.tm This site also presents some
Eiffel related information. But
note: Eiffel is a registered
trademark of NICE (the Nonprofit
International Consortium for Eiffel).

http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_eiffel.html The Eiffel page at Cetus Links
is maintained by Loryn Jenkins.

Eiffel news

This is probably the most up-to-date page for news about Eiffel. Many thanks go to Geoff Eldridge!

The official newsgroup for Eiffel is comp.lang.eiffel.

Eiffel FAQ

I don't provide an Eiffel FAQ on my site because there are official sources for it elsewhere. The official Eiffel FAQ is posted monthly to the newsgroup comp.lang.eiffel and can be downloaded from:

ftp://ftp.cm.cf.ac.uk/pub/eiffel/eiffel-faq and

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